
With Magnetcommerce and PayPal Express
Checkout you
can: |
- Accept credit card payments without
requiring a merchant account. (Payment transactions are free until the
end of 2007.)
- Earn Yahoo Search Marketing credits
to help increase your website traffic.
- Get PayPal's industry-leading
security fraud-prevention systems.
- Take advantage of comprehensive
PayPal's online reports that help you measure sales and manage your
business easily.
Here's how to put Magnetcommerce and Express
Checkout to work for your business. |
Step 1: Set Up a Verified PayPal
Business Account |
Customers who don't have an existing
PayPal account:
- Go to
- Click Sign Up Today.
- Set up an account for Business
- Follow the instructions on the
PayPal site.
Customers who already have a Personal or
Premier account:
- Go to
- Click the Upgrade your Account link.
- Click the Upgrade Now button.
- Choose to upgrade to a Business
account and follow instructions to complete the upgrade.
- If you haven't already, add a bank
account to become a Verified member. Follow the instructions on the
PayPal site. (This process may take 2-3 business days.)
Step 2: Setup API Access |
- Log in to your PayPal Business
- Click the Financial sub tab located
in the top navigation area
- Click the API Access link under the
Account Information header.
- Click the Get Started link under the
Request API Credentials heading.
- Click the API signature radio button
under the Credential Type heading.
- Complete the API Credential Request
form by clicking the agreement checkbox and clicking Submit.
- Write down the values listed next to
API Username and Password
- Select the value listed next to
Signature Hash, copy it, and save it to a file or some other
location. This is your API Signature.
- Use the values from #7 and #8 to
configure the API SIGNATURE settings in the PayPal Express Checkout
(Setup > Payments > PayPal Express Checkout).